Using both numerical and analytical techniques, we investigate various ways to enhance the cubic nonlinear susceptibility χe of a composite material. We start from the exact relation χe =tsumi pi χi〈(E⋅E )2 i,lin/ E04, where χi and pi are the cubic nonlinear susceptibility and volume fraction of the ith component, E0 is the applied electric field, and 〈E4 i,lin is the expectation value of the electric field in the ith component, calculated in the linear limit where χi=0. In our numerical work, we represent the composite by a random resistor or impedance network, calculating the electric-field distributions by a generalized transfer-matrix algorithm. Under certain conditions, we find that χe is greatly enhanced near the percolation threshold. We also find a large enhancement for a linear fractal in a nonlinear host. In a random Drude metal-insulator composite χe is hugely enhanced especially near frequencies which correspond to the surface-plasmon resonance spectrum of the composite. At zero frequency, the random composite results are reasonably well described by a nonlinear effective-medium approximation. The finite-frequency enhancement shows very strong reproducible structure which is nearly undetectable in the linear response of the composite, and which may possibly be described by a generalized nonlinear effective-medium approximation. The fractal results agree qualitatively with a nonlinear differential effective-medium approximation. Finally, we consider a suspension of coated spheres embedded in a host. If the coating is nonlinear, we show that χe/χcoat≫1 near the surface-plasmon resonance frequency of the core particle.