The recently determined electric quadrupole moment Q of the Li7 nucleus disagrees with the predictions of current nuclear models. It is shown that the quadrupole and magnetic moments, together with the Gamow-Teller matrix element for the Be7Li7 (ground state) K capture, can be accounted for on the supermultiplet theory if the ad hoc wave function has a 65% admixture of the P2[3] states arising from the 1s41p22p (two) and 1s41p21f (one) configurations. Assuming equal configuration admixtures in both levels of the ground doublet term (P12,322), the M1 and E2 transition strengths for quantum jumps between the ground state (P322) and the first excited state (P122) at 478 keV have been calculated and found to agree with measured values of B(M1) and B(E2) within experimental error. The reduced E2 transition strength in emission is given by: B(E2)Q2. Pure LS coupling and exact partition symmetry are assumed. The proportion of the ground configuration can be substantially increased by including the 1s31p31d configuration in the mixture.