Mutations Affecting Gluconate Catabolism in Escherichia coli. Genetic Mapping of the Locus for the Thermosensitive Gluconokinase

An Escherichia coli strain unable to use gluconate was isolated by spontaneous curing of .lambda.cI857 s7 xis6 b515 b519, .lambda.cI857 s7 .DELTA.(A-att) dargI valS lysogens. Two lesions, linked to asd and pyrB markers, respectively, were necessary to produce this phenotype. The asd-linked mutation gnt-17, of regulatory type, seems to affect the expression of the major system of gluconate utilization (min 75) as well as that of 6-phosphogluconate dehydratase (gene edd, min 41), the first enzyme of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway. A closely linked suppressor of gnt-17 causes constitutivity of these activities; this suppressor resembles gnt R, which is also in the asd region. Hence, it is possible that gnt-17 is a super-repressing allele of gntR, rather than a positive controlling element. Lesion gnt-17 alone does not prevent the utilization of gluconate; for this, the mutation gnt-18 at 96.9 min is also necessary. This mutation abolishes the thermosensitive gluconokinase activity and thus eliminates the subsidiary ability to catabolize gluconate. Accordingly, gnt-18 seems to be allelic with gntV, the locus postulated as being in the pyrB region specifying the thermosensitive gluconokinase.