An attempt is made to correlate the distr. of algae in a group of six close-lying small ponds in s. Hertfordshire with the principal chemical factors of their water. The following relationships appear to have existed:[long dash](a) volvocalean, chlorococcalean algae and desmids were poorly represented in ponds with a high concn. of protein-derived ammonia and a low concn. of O2; (b) blue-green algae were plentiful in waters having a high proportion of oxidizable organic matter, low concns. of O2 and a pH around neutrality; (c) diatoms occurred in larger numbers in alkaline ponds than in acidic ones; (d) pigmented flagellates were more numerous in acidic than in alkaline ponds; (e) two of the acidic ponds, having a higher C/N ratio and a higher concn. of total Fe harbored a high percentage of Euglenineae.

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