Properties of Levels inCl34

22 levels of Cl34 below Ex=4.7 MeV are populated by the γ-ray decay of the three resonances at Ep=1058, 1098, and 1121 keV in the reaction S33(p,γ)Cl34. These resonances, selected for study because of their dominant modes of γ decay to levels above 2.7 MeV for which limited prior data exist, were investigated with an 80-cm3 Ge(Li) detector, and with Ge(Li)-NaI coincidence and angular-correlation techniques. The results obtained for levels below 2.3 MeV are in general agreement with other recent work. A new result is a probable J=3 assignment for the 2.180-MeV level. For higher-lying levels, γ-ray decay schemes and excitation energies with errors in the range from ±0.3 to ±2.3 keV were determined for 14 bound states in the range 2.3<Ex<4.7 MeV and the three resonance levels. The reaction Q value was determined with the result Q=5139.9±0.9 keV. The following Jπ assignments (energies in MeV) result from the combination of the present work with a recent S33(He3,d)Cl34 study: 2.72, 2; 3.55, 3; 3.60, 4(); 3.63, 5; 3.77, 1; 3.98, 3; 4.08, 4; 4.14, 2; 4.35, probably 1; 4.42, 1, 2, or 3; 4.51, probably 2; and 4.64, 2, 1, or 3. The resonance level assignments are Jπ(1058)=3(), Jπ(1098)=4(), and Jπ(1121)=1. It is shown that the three resonances are probably each odd-parity T=1 levels. The probable shell-model configurations of some of the odd-parity levels are discussed.