Energy Levels in Cl34 from the S33(He3,d)Cl34 Reaction: A Study of the (d32)2 and the d32f72 Interactions

The energy levels of Cl34 have been studied with the S33(He3,d)Cl34 reaction induced by the 14-MeV He3 beam of the Argonne tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. An Enge split-pole magnetic spectrograph was used to record the deuteron spectra at scattering angles of 10-65° in 5° steps. An over-all energy resolution width of 17 keV was achieved. 26 levels up to an excitation energy of 4.6 MeV were observed and their spectroscopic factors were extracted. The results, when combined with previously known spin information, enable us to locate the major components of (d32)2 and d32f72 configurations. The two-body matrix elements obtained here are compared with other two-body data in nearby nuclei and with calculated matrix elements.

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