High-performance blue electroluminescence devices based on distyrylbenzene derivatives

Amorphous molecular, distyrylbenzene derivative 2,5,2,5,2,5 -hexastyryl-[1,1;4,1] terphenyl (HSTP) is sandwiched between NPB and Alq3 as blue light-emitting material in typical multilayer organic light-emitting devices, where NPB and Alq3 are 1,4-bis(1-naphylphenylamino)biphenyl and tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum, respectively. Formation of exciplex at the interface of NPB and HSTP layer is verified by study on photoluminescence and electroluminescence (EL) spectra. The performance of EL can be greatly improved by optimizations of devices; a pure blue device with Internationale de l’Eclairage coordination (0.16, 0.13), maximum brightness of 15830cdm2 , and current efficiency of 4.88cdA is obtained.