Implications of high‐temperature events and water deficits on protein profiles in wheat (Triticum aestivumL. cv. Vinjett) grain

Increased climatic variability is resulting in an increase of both the frequency and the magnitude of extreme climate events. Therefore, cereals may be exposed to more than one stress event in the growing season, which may ultimately affect crop yield and quality. Here, effects are reported of interaction of water deficits and/or a high‐temperature event (32°C) during vegetative growth (terminal spikelet) with either of these stress events applied during generative growth (anthesis) in wheat. Influence of combinations of stress on protein fractions (albumins, globulins, gliadins and glutenins) in grains and stress‐induced changes on the albumin and gliadin proteomes were investigated by 2‐DE and MS. The synthesis of individual protein fractions was shown to be affected by both the type and time of the applied stresses. Identified drought or high‐temperature‐responsive proteins included proteins involved in primary metabolism, storage and stress response such as late embryogenesis abundant proteins, peroxiredoxins and α‐amylase/trypsin inhibitors. Several proteins, e.g. heat shock protein and 14‐3‐3 protein changed in abundance only under multiple high temperatures.
Funding Information
  • Danish Council for Technology and Production Sciences (23-04-0076)