HLA DR2 and DQ1 frequency among narcoleptic patients in Hong Kong Chinese

Narcolepsy is a life-long crippling sleep disorder with significant physical and psychosocial impairments. Although its exact etiology and neuropathology is not clear, a strong association with specific human leucocyte antigen (HLA) subtype, particularly DR2 (DRw15) and DQw1 (DQw6), has been demonstrated across different ethnic groups including Caucasians and Japanese. The presence of 100% association with HLA DR2 in a series of Hong Kong Chinese narcoleptic patients has previously been reported. The report can now be extended, and as far as could be ascertained in the available subjects, all were HLA DQw1 (DQw6)-positive. This is concordant with the experiences of Japanese narcoleptic patients who are 100% HLA DR2- and DQw1-positive. However, the definitive account of the population prevalence of narcolepsy in Chinese could be determined only by a well-conducted epidemiological study with laboratory confirmation.