Multi-spin-echo J-resolved spectroscopic imaging without water suppression: application to a rat glioma at 7 T

Two-dimensional J-resolved spectroscopy may be used to separate resonances which overlap in 1D NMR spectra. Coupled with spectroscopic imaging (SI), it would give unequivocal information on the distribution of such resonances. Multi-echo acquisition decreases the minimum experimental time of such 4D experiments. The water peak may be used for phase and chemical-shift reference. This study aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of J-resolved SI based on a multi-echo sequence and without water suppression, and its ability to separate the peaks for lactate and mobile lipid in a rat glioma. Experiments were performed on rat brain, without water suppression, at 7 T. The water signal was used for correcting the phase of the echoes. A FOCSY-like acquisition was used to collect the first part of the echoes at short echo times. Two different data processing methods were tested to overcome the problem of contaminations of metabolite signals by the intense water signal. Maps of N-acetylaspartate, choline, creatine, lactate and mobile lipids were obtained in vivo on a rat glioma in 70 min. The in-plane resolution was 2 mm2. The 2D spatially resolved, 2D J-resolved spectra enabled the separate mapping of lactate and mobile lipids.