The changes in the superconducting surface resistance ΔRS=RS(H)RS(0) and reactance ΔXS=XS(H)XS(0) of Ta with applied magnetic field H have been measured at a frequency of 8.8 GHz, using a dielectric-resonator technique. The quantity ΔRS is found to be positive for a reduced temperature t=TTC just less than 1, negative for 0.70<t<0.98, and positive again for t<0.70, while ΔXS is always positive with a peak at about t=0.97, a broad minimum centered at t=0.85, and a continuous rise for lower temperatures. The dependence of ΔRS and ΔXS on the angle γ between Hrf, the microwave magnetic field, and H with both fields in the sample plane is investigated. The magnitude of this dependence is found to be a function of t.