Further investigation on the precise formulation of the equivalence theorem

Based on a systematic analysis of the renormalization schemes in the general Rξ gauge, the precise formulation of the equivalence theorem for longitudinal weak boson scatterings is given both in the SU(2)L Higgs theory and in the realistic SU(2) × U(1) electroweak theory to all orders in the perturbation for an arbitrary Higgs boson mass mH. It is shown that there is generally a renormalization-scheme- and ξ dependent modification factor Cmod and a simple formula for Cmod is obtained. Furthermore, a convenient particular renormalization scheme is proposed in which Cmod is exactly unity. Results of Cmod in other currently used schemes are also discussed especially on their ξ and mH dependence through explicit one-loop calculations. It is shown that in some currently used schemes the deviation of Cmod from unity and the ξ dependence of Cmod are significant even in the large-mH limit. Therefore care should be taken when applying the equivalence theorem.