HIV Isolation from Plasma of HIV-Infected Persons

To the Editor: Isolation of HIV from lymphocytes of HIV-infected persons by cocultivation methods has been routinely successful,1 , 2 but direct isolation of infectious virus from serum or plasma has met with only limited success.3 , 4 For our studies, heparinized blood was obtained from 27 HIV-infected persons. Plasma was assayed for HIV antigen (predominantly p24) by a commercially available enzyme immunosorbent assay (Abbott),5 and antibodies to p24 (core) and gp41 (envelope) proteins were assayed by competitive enzyme immunosorbent assays using recombinant p24 and gp41 antigens.6 HIV was isolated from patients' lymphocytes by cocultivation methods and from filtered plasma (0.45 μm); 1.0 ml . . .