The Domain Structure of Nickel Single Crystals After Plastic Deformation The domain structure of disc-shaped Ni single crystals (primary glide plane (111), primary Burgers vector bpr =1/2[101], deformation temperature T = 78°k) which has been observed on the (101) and (111) plane after plastic deformation is shown to be strongly dependent on the degree of deformation. A layer-like domain structure parallel to the primary glide plane is observed on the (101) plane. This occurs from the beginning of stage II work-hardening onwards. A characteristic ladder structure (magnetization perpendicular to the primary glide plane) alternates with ladder-free intermediate regions. On the (111) plane, the domain structure is determined by the line direction of the dislocations. The observed domain structure can be explained by a stress-induced anisotropy which is superimposed on the crystal anisotropy. The stresses responsible for this anistropy, which are of short to medium wavelength, are produced essentially by layer-like dislocations which are parallel to the primary glide plane. The amplitudes of the internal stresses could be estimated from the temperature dependence of the domain structure.