The variation in the fecundity of a fish species from year to year has not received much attention, although the changes in the numbers of young fish in the plankton are well documented for the Plymouth area (Russell 1930–47; Corbin, 1948–51). The most important work considering fecundity fluctuations is that of Simpson (1951) who, working onPlaice, Pleuronectes platessa L., concluded that during 1947,1948 and 1949 there was a steady decrease in the number of eggs laid, this being due to a decrease in the mean size of the spawning fish which he showed to be correlated with the egg numbers. Simpson's interest in the fecundity was to provide a more accurate estimate for determining the number of plaice in the total population from planktonic egg surveys similar to the work of Buchanan-Wollaston (1923). He did not consider in detail whether the fecundity for a given length might change from year to year. It is this problem which will be considered here. Estimates of fecundity of Long Rough Dabs, Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabr.), will be analysed, and Simpson's Plaice data will also be considered.

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