The Minimal Phantom Sector of the Standard Model: Higgs Phenomenology and Dirac Leptogenesis

  • 13 July 2006
We propose the minimal, lepton-number conserving, SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) gauge-singlet, or phantom, extension of the Standard Model. The extension is natural in the sense that all couplings are of O(1) or forbidden due to a phantom sector global U(1)_D symmetry, and basically imitates the standard Majorana see-saw mechanism. Spontaneous breaking of the U(1)_D symmetry triggers consistent electroweak gauge symmetry breaking only if it occurs at a scale compatible with small Dirac neutrino masses and baryogenesis through Dirac leptogenesis. Dirac leptogenesis proceeds through the usual out-of-equilibrium decay scenario, leading to left and right-handed neutrino asymmetries that do not fully equilibrate after they are produced. The model contains two physical Higgs bosons and a massless Goldstone boson. The existence of the Goldstone boson suppresses the Higgs to bb branching ratio and instead the Higgs bosons will mainly decay to invisible Goldstone and/or to visible vector boson pairs. In a representative scenario, we estimate that with 30 fb^-1 integrated luminosity, the LHC could discover this invisibly decaying Higgs, with mass ~120 GeV. At the same time a significantly heavier, partner Higgs boson with mass ~210 GeV could be found through its vector boson decays. Electroweak constraints as well as astrophysical and cosmological implications are analysed and discussed.

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