Effect of Excess Vitamin A on Acid Phosphatase Content of Guinea Pig Peritoneal Leucocytes.

Guinea pigs were given daily intraperitoneal injections of 136,000 I.U. of vit A-alcohol dissolved in sterile mineral oil. Peritoneal leucocytes, harvested from these animals 24-48 hours after the third dose of vitamin, showed a highly significant depression of total acid phosphatase activity when compared with leucocytes obtained from control animals treated with oil alone. Smaller doses of the vitamin (68,000 I.U.) had a similar action. This effect of vit A was not prevented by simultaneous treatment of the animals with modest doses of cortisone or hydrocortisone. The observation that leucocytes of vit A treated animals show a marked loss of acid phosphatase supports the contention that this agent has a disruptive action on lysosomal membranes in vivo.