Reduced aldosterone and sodium excretion in endurance-trained athletes before and during immersion

Aldosterone excretion (AE) and plasma renin activity (PRA) were measured in eight untrained (UT) and eight endurance-trained (TR) male subjects before and during 4 h head-out immersion to study the mechanism of reduced renal sodium excretion in athletes. AE was significantly lower before immersion, and decreased less during immersion, in TR than in UT. Fractional sodium excretion, too, was lower and increased less during immersion in TR than in UT. PRA decreased in the water bath in all subjects (pp<0.001). The attenuated response of AE in TR may be due partly to this increase of plasma potassium concentration. The generally reduced aldosterone release in TR might be caused by a training induced adaptation of the adrenals to corticotropin. The lowered renal sodium excretion of TR in spite of the decreased AE suggests an intensified aldosterone effect in these subjects, diminishing the salt loss during exercise.