HNMP-1: A Novel Hematopoietic and Neural Membrane Protein Differentially Regulated in Neural Development and Injury

Thehnmp-1(hematopoietic neural membrane protein) gene encodes a protein with striking similarity to the tetra-transmembrane-spanning protein encoded bypmp22.hnmp-1was cloned from an elutriated human monocyte library and is expressed in various human hematopoietic and lymphoid lineages as well as adult mouse spleen and thymus. In the mouse nervous system, HNMP-1 mRNA is temporally expressed by Schwann cells during sciatic nerve myelination. Dorsal root ganglia sensory and spinal cord α-motoneurons acquire HNMP-1 protein selectively throughout development. In the fiber tracts of the spinal cord and in sciatic nerve, HNMP-1 protein is axon-associated. Additionally a rapid and sustained level of HNMP-1 expression is observed in response to acute PNS injury. HNMP-1 is constituitively induced in sciatic nerve of Trembler J mice, which are mutant forpmp22and have a demyelinating/hypomyelinating phenotype. The expression pattern of HNMP-1 suggests a possible role for this molecule during active myelination.