The anaerobic metabolism of the earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris)

The O intake at rest under KERSHAW SLATER. The anaerobic metabolism of normal conditions and following a period of anaero-the earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris). Biochem. Jour. biosis. and the lactic acid content before and after anaerobiosis were determined. Oxidation is deferred and an accumulation of lactic acid occurs during anaerobiosis; when O is readmitted, the products of metabolism are rapidly removed by an excess of O equal to the amount which would normally have been used during the anaerobic interval, but the O used in recovery is only about 1/5 of the amount necessary for complete oxidation of the accumulated acid. The findings are explained on the basis of a breakdown of glycogen into lactic acid with a subsequent oxidation of part of the acid and a reconversion of the remainder into glycogen.

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