Types of Benzodiazepines Abused by Chemically Dependent Inpatients

Records of inpatients (N=1,483) ove r a three-year period at an addiction treatment center were evaluated for the presence of benzodiazepine (BZ) dependence (N=136). The preferred BZ for 43% of the subjects was diazepam, and alprazolam for 14% of subjects. Chlordiazepoxide, lorazepam, and clorazepatc were each the preferred bZ for 4% of patients. Cocaine and opioid abusers were six times more likely to abuse diazepam than any other BZ. Alprazolampatients required asignificantly longer period of detoxification than diazepam patients. Four percent of BZ-dependent patients (N=6) abused BZs only and had no other substance abuse history.