Well-defined uniaxial anisotropy in iron film formed by ion beam sputtering

This paper reports on the results of an experimental investigation into the magnetic properties of iron films formed by ion beam sputtering. Through the iron film formation at various nitrogen partial pressures and substrate angles, nitrogen ion bombardment is found to reduce the coercive force of the magnetic hard axis in addition to inducing uniaxial anisotropy. The decrease in the coercive force corresponds well to the increase in the nitrogen concentration and the anisotropy constant of the α-Fe-composed films. The uniaxial anisotropy is confirmed to mainly result from directional ordering rather than crystalline anisotropy. The magnetic properties of the film having well-defined uniaxial anisotropy are a coercive force of 0.3 Oe, a saturation magnetization of 2.2 T, an anisotropy field of 3.5 Oe, and a permeability of 5000.