The mixing angle between the two JP=1+ kaons (KA and KC) and the decay coupling constants of the A1, B, KA and KC mesons are calculated with the SU(3)×SU(3) chiral algebra. These results are used to calculate the widths of the KA and KC mesons, which are found to be in reasonable agreement with present experiments. The method used is the asymptotic SU(3) symmetry due to Matsuda and Oneda—i.e., the charge operator VK, which is an SU(3) raising or lowering operator in the symmetry limit, still acts as a generator in the broken symmetry in an appropriately chosen infinite-momentum limit. For the axial charge Aπ, the hypothesis of partially conserved axial-vector current is used. One uses the commutators [VK0,Aπ]=0 and [VK0,Aπ]=0, and inserts them between the K*0 and A1+ states on the one hand and the K*0 and B+ states on the other. This gives eight sum rules involving the decay coupling constants of the A1, B, KC, and KA mesons, the masses of the JP=1+,1 mesons, and the mixing angle between KC and KA. From these sum rules and the ratio Γ(A1ρπ)Γ(Bωπ), one can derive the value of the mixing angle. Using the values of Γ(A1ρπ) and Γ(Bωπ), one obtains all the coupling constants and can calculate the rates of KC and KA decays.