We derive sum rules involving the π, ρ, and A1 mesons by using a chiral SU(2)SU(2) charge-charge density algebra and the hypothesis of partially conserved axial-vector current. We invoke the mass-shell extrapolation mπ20 but not mρ20. We derive both the ρ dominance for the pion electromagnetic form factor, Gρ0π+πGρ=2mρ2, and the first chiral spectral-function sum rule, Gρ2mρ2GA2mA2=Fπ2. However, the second one, GA=Gρ, does not follow without further assumptions. Nevertheless, we note that from the above two sum rules, if Γ(ρ)130 MeV, the relation mA2mρ leads to GAGρ or vice versa. The decay A1ρ+π is discussed. Contrary to the soft-pion calculation, our approach is consistent with having a smaller Γ(A1ρ+π), around 100 MeV. Comparison with the results of other approaches is made.