Symmetry Predictions from Sum Rules without Saturation

The application of sum rules derived from current commutation relations to give SU(6)-like results is developed without the assumption of saturation. We first derive a consistency condition by comparing sum rules, and then study the sum rules for 1gA2 and the isovector charge radii, replacing the assumption of saturation with a simple dynamical model for the remaining continuuum contribution. This results in several SU(6)-like predictions which contain important correction factors to the results previously derived assuming saturation. We have also re-examined the experimental data for the sum rule for rN2V6, and find that it converges below 1 GeV like the sum rule for 1gA2 when account is taken of the contribution to the sum rule of the large resonant M1+ and nonresonant E0+ multipoles in pion photoproduction, and of the N**(1520).