The saturation magnetization of a 31.4 at.% Ni–Fe alloy has been measured as a function of hydrostatic pressure between 0 and 26 kbar, and as a function of shock‐wave compression between 2.5 and 112 kbar. From the hydrostatic pressure measurements, a zero‐pressure value of the pressure derivative of the saturation magnetization (∂lnσs/∂P) = −3.15×10−2 kbar−1 is found. A marked departure from linearity of σs(P) is seen at higher pressures. This is considered to be due to the slope of σs(T) becoming steeper and steeper at the ambient temperature as the Curie temperature is depressed by pressure. The shock‐wave compression experiments yield a value of (∂ lnσs/∂P) = −2.8×10−2 kbar−1 in the 15–40 kbar stress range.