Computer‐Aided quantification of AES and XPS spectra

The uses of a computer‐accessed database of elemental information relevant to quantitative interpretation of Auger electron and x‐ray photoelectron spectra will be described. Such a database has been compiled containing data on some 70 elements for access via UCSD Pascal computer programs implemented on IBM‐compatible microcomputers, Basic information required for the calculation of AES and XPS matrix factors is present in the database and routines for easy updating and extending of the information present are available. Programs for rapid calculation of the matrix factors needed for accurate quantification have also been developed to run in tandem with these library files. The simple data correction procedures present in these programs provide the analyst with a rapid method for obtaining an estimate of surface composition. Use of programs of this type help to prevent error by relying on the computer‐accessed library files for elemental information, help to prevent duplication of effort, and are of use in introducing the new surface analyst to the theoretical background to quantification. Some simple examples of uses of the programs are given.