Reproducibility of skin prick testing with allergen extracts from different manufacturers

Allergen extracts for skin prick testing (SPT) are available from several manufacturers. Although these solutions are specified according to well‐defined internal company standards, there is no generally accepted overall standardization. To assess the comparability of skin prick test solutions of various manufacturers, we compared extracts of nine different allergens from four companies by SPT in 29 children sensitive to one or more of the allergens, in a double blind fashion. RAST (Pharmacia) and EAST (Kallestad) were determined in simultaneous blood samples. Allergen extracts were also examined by rocket immunoelectrophoresis for their content of major allergens. Skin reactions, assessed by mean diameter of wheals, to identical allegen extracts varied significantly between the four vendors (P<0.05‐0.001). Correlation between RAST and EAST was good for all allergens except birch pollen and mugwort. Content of the major allergen in corresponding extracts varied significantly between the different companies (<1%‐2000%). These data underline the need for international reference extracts as intracompany standardization of test solutions alone is not enough to yield general reproducibility of skin prick test results.