An extract of mixed dog hair and dandruff from 6 different dog breeds (alsatian, boxer, collie, poodle, and long-haired and short-haired dachshund) was obtained by mild extraction, centrifugation, dialysis and freeze-drying. Extract of hair and dandruff from the individual dog breeds was obtained in the same way, but the material was not freeze-dried. Examination and characterization of the mixed extract by means of crossed immunoelectrophoresis revealed a precipitation pattern composed of 25 antigens, some of which were mutually partially identical, and a high content of dog serum proteins was found. Quantitative and qualitative differences between the individual dog breeds were demonstrated. Partial identity of the antigens of the mixed extract with antigens of serum, antigens of extracts of hair and dandruff from cat, cow, horse and guinea pig, and antigens from extract of house dust was also observed. By means of crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis, using sera from 21 patients who were RAST[radioallergosorbent test]-positive to dog hair and dandruff extract, and specific IgE[immunoglobulin E]-binding to antigens of the mixed extract was examined. On the basis of these results major and minor allergens were identified. Dog albumin was a very important major allergen, but .alpha.1-antitrypsin and .gamma.-globulin were also identified. Four non-serum proteins were shown to be allergens. No breed-specific allergens could be identified in the extracts from the individual dog breeds.