Technical note: evaluation of dosimetric performance in a commercial 3D treatment planning system

The aim of this work was to evaluate the dosimetric performance of a commercial treatment planning system (TPS) which employs a three-dimensional calculation algorithm (Nucletron Plato version 2.2.3), following the guidelines of the AAPM Task Group 23 (TG23). Seven test cases were used to test the TPS dosimetric performance in homogeneous water. These cases involved absolute dose measurements on central as well as off-axis points situated at various depths, using simple field arrangements, and comparison with corresponding TPS calculations. This comparison yielded differences within +/-2% at all points, for all test cases. To test the ability of the TPS to account for tissue inhomogeneities, corresponding comparisons were performed with the presence of a low-density material in the beam to resemble an air inhomogeneity. Absolute dose measurements and corresponding TPS calculations showed a mean deviation of the order of +/-3.5%, reaching a maximum of 11.5% for small field sizes (5 cm x 5 cm). In summary, observed deviations are well within the set tolerance levels while comparison with previous TPS versions showed that Plato version 2.2.3 is significantly improved, especially in dose calculations in the presence of low density inhomogeneities.