Final report on the second British Institute of Radiology fractionation study: short versus long overall treatment times for radiotherapy of carcinoma of the laryngo-pharynx

The second British Institute of Radiology trial of dose fractionation in radiotherapy compared two groups of prospectively randomized patients with squamous carcinoma of the laryngo-pharynx; one group was treated in a short (≥4 weeks) and the other in a long (>4 weeks) overall time. Treatment in any one centre could be given, with no planned gap in the course of treatment, either as a conventional, daily (5 fractions per week regime) or as 3 fractions per week. A total of 611 patients were allocated to treatment, of whom nine have had to be excluded from the analysis for a lack of information. Patients were admitted to the trial from January 1976 to December 1985 and were followed up for a maximum of 10 years and a minimum of 3 years. A reduction in total dose was made for use in the short compared with the long treatment regime. This reduction in total dose varied between 18% and 22% depending on whether 5 fractions or 3 fractions per week regimes were used. Overall, no statistically significant differences have been found between the two arms of the trial. The patients treated with 5 fractions per week in a short overall treatment time showed fewer late normal tissue effects. An analysis based on stratification by age, stage and anatomical site gave a relative risk (short/long overall treatment time) for deaths of 1.23 with a 95% confidence interval from 0.96 to 1.59. Analyses stratified for stage and site gave relative risks with 95% confidence intervals of 1.10 (0.84–1.44) for local recurrences/tumour persistence, and 1.01 (0.70–1.45) for laryngectomies.