MICROX-an advanced silicon technology for microwave circuits up to X-band

An advanced silicon technology is presented which is capable of producing highly reliable and affordable MMICs (monolithic microwave integrated circuits) integrated with high-speed CMOS digital functions as replacements for costly GaAs hybrids currently used in systems up to X-band. The technology involves high-resistivity substrates. SIMOX (separation by implanted oxygen) processing, metal reinforced wide (100- mu m) by very short (0.3-0.5- mu m) polysilicon gates with multiple fingers, air-bridge technology, and other techniques to improve the high-speed performance by reducing parasitic elements and maintaining the substrate resistivity during the fabrication process. The technology has resulted in n-channel device cut-off frequencies (f/sub max/) of 21 GHz, with 40-GHz capability predicted by modeling.<>

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