Spectroscopy ofAt213,Po212, andPb210followingPb208+Li7

The bombardment of Pb208 by Li7 ions has been used to study the properties of excited states in At213, Po212, and Pb210. In-beam measurements with Ge(Li), intrinsic Ge, and Si surface barrier detectors of α-decay excitation functions, αγ coincidences, γγ coincidences, γ-ray angular distributions, and pulsedbeam-γ timing were made to establish decay schemes, level energies, γ-ray multipolarities, spin-parity assignments, and isomeric lifetimes. Excited states with spins up to 192  in At213 and 6  in Po212 were identified. The mean lifetimes of the 1272-keV 8+ and 1193-keV 6+ states in Pb210 were measured to be 225(22) and 30(10) nsec, respectively. These lifetimes imply B(E2) values of 51(12)e2 fm4 for the 8+ state and 308(115)e2 fm4 for the 6+ state. The At213 decay scheme and the Pb210 B(E2) values are compared with shell model calculations.