The Management of Testicular Seminomas, 1979

The reported results from throughout the world of modern treatment of testicular seminoma are reviewed for the various clinical stages of disease. The three‐year survival rate for 1,346 patients with Stage 1 and 2 disease is 91%. Since the review reveals considerable differences in staging methods, a clinically useful staging system is proposed. Treatment methods are described and discussed. Recommendations are made assuming that patients so treated are clinically evaluated for extent of disease before treatment with currently available techniques, including lymphangiography, CT scanning, perhaps ultrasonography, and serum marker determinations. Although the role of cytoreductive surgery in patients with seminoma, even bulky seminoma, now is limited, occasionally when laparotomy is done, debulking may also be helpful. Effective combination chemotherapy regimens have not been identified. The 28% three‐year survival rate of patients with Stage 3 disease establishes the real need to identify such therapy. Finally, anaplastic seminoma is considered; a recent review by Percarpio indicates that this subtype perhaps is not unlike classical seminoma as far as stage distribution and prognosis is concerned.

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