Two-dimensionalSU(N)×SU(N)chiral models on the lattice

Lattice SU(N)×SU(N) chiral models are analyzed by strong and weak coupling expansions and by numerical simulations. Twelfth-order strong coupling series for the free and internal energy are obtained for all N6. Three-loop contributions to the internal energy and to the lattice β function are evaluated for all N and nonuniversal corrections to the asymptotic Λ parameter are computed in the "temperature" and the "energy" schemes. Numerical simulations confirm a faster approach to asymptopia of the energy scheme. A phenomenological correlation between the peak in the specific heat and the dip of the β function is observed. Tests of scaling are performed for various physical quantities, finding substantial scaling at ξ2. In particular, at N=6 three different mass ratios are determined numerically and found in agreement, within statistical errors of about 1%, with the theoretical predictions from the exact S-matrix theory.