Originally containing only four genera, this family of recent years has been increased by the addition of twelve more and has further been subdivided by Hunter (1927, 1929) into four sub-families: Caryophyllaeinae, Lytocestinae, Pseudolytocestinae, Wenyoninae. Of these, the Lytocestinae and Pseudolytoeestinae have vitellaria either wholly or partly in the cortical parenchyma and differ from each other only in the degree to which these are cortical; a difference hardly of sub-family rank, which should consist of characters of absolute not relative value: the Caryophyllaeinae and Wenyoninae, with vitellaria wholly medullary, differ from each other in the position of the genital pore and the absence of uterine glands, differences again not of sub-family rank. There remain therefore two well-marked sub-families, the Caryophyllaeinae and the Lytocestinae, the differences between which are given in the following table.