Application of a New Empirical Model to the Electron Beam Lithography Process with Chemically Amplified Resists

We study on the simulation models and characteristics of a highly sensitive chemically amplified resist (CAR), which is used in the fabrication of deep submicron pattern delineation. The main aim of this model is to express the positive and negative CAR by using similar principles in acid generation, reaction and diffusion, reaction mechanism, and development. Profile simulation uses the fitted parameters. Therefore, resist pattern shapes are in good agreement with the experimental ones. Simulation accuracy is 1.04% and 7.5%, for resist wall angle and critical dimension (CD) of CAR respectively. We also verify that components and properties of CAR determine the resist profile and process margin. Using this model, process feasibility of electron beam lithography is predicted, and accurate simulation is possible in the deep submicron region.

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