Electron microscopy of critical point dried whole cultured cells

SUMMARY: To determine the overall fine structure of whole, unsectioned cells, cells from rat embryos were cultured on Formvar, glutaraldehyde/osmium‐fixed, transferred to grids, dehydrated, critical point dried, then examined by transmission electron microscopy at either 80 or 1000 kV. In contrast to air‐dried material, critical point dried cells revealed each component clearly and with excellent contrast. All normal cytoplasmic structures (including coated vesicles, polyribosomes, microtubules and other fine components) were readily identifiable. Extensive structures such as microtubules and the endoplasmic reticulum (which appear fragmented in sections) were well displayed. At 1000 kV the beam readily penetrated even the thick nuclear and perinuclear cell regions and produced exceptionally crisp images. The methods described provide a simplified approach to the study of overall cell fine structure.