Physiological factors determining formation of plastocyanin and plastidic cytochrome c-553 in Scenedesmus

Physiological conditions necessary for the formation of plastocyanin and the concurrent cessation of cytochrome c-553 formation were studied in cells of copper-deficient Scenedesmus acutus after the addition of copper. Plastocyanin is formed after a lag-phase, leaving constant the content of plastidic cytochrome c-553. Therefore, the concentration of plastocyanin per cell increases and the concentration of cytochrome c-553 decreases during growth. Formation of plastocyanin during the induction period studied is dependent on light intensity. In the dark, there is a 90% inhibition, whereas under light intensities above 50 Wm-2, a ratio of 1.3 molecules plastocyanin per 1,000 molecules chlorophyll is attained. Plastocyanin formations is inhibited by the uncoupler carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxy phenylhydrazone (FCCP), but not by moderate concentrations of 3-[3′,4′-dichlorophenyl]-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), and by keeping the algae under a nitrogen atmosphere without CO2. Concurrently, the cultures treated with FCCP show a decreased endogenous ATP level. The ATP is necessary for plastocyanin formation.