Poincaré-invariant Lee model

A relativistic generalization of the Lee model is developed within the framework of light-front dynamics. The model describes three particles V, N, and θ interacting through the virtual process VN+θ, with no antiparticles present. The model consists of ten generators which satisfy the commutation relations of the Poincaré group. The Lorentz invariance of the S-matrix elements that arise is demonstrated. The dressed V-particle state is given, and the integral equations that arise in the θVθθN sector are derived. The interacting spin operator for the model is analyzed in some detail. The integral equations for the θVθθN sector are transformed to a new picture and a partial-wave analysis of the transformed equations is carried out. It is shown that the θV elastic scattering amplitudes can be obtained from the solution of uncoupled, one-dimensional integral equations. The model has many of the features of few-particle systems involving pions and nucleons and moreover provides insight into dealing with the interacting angular momentum operators of light-front dynamics.