Experimental study of the rare decaysKL0→μe,KL0→ee,KL0→μμ, andKL0→eeee

An experiment to search for the KL0→μe and KL0ee decays and to measure the branching ratio of the KL0→μμ decay was performed at the KEK 12-GeV Proton Synchrotron. The single-event sensitivity of the present experiment for these channels was around 4×1011. No event was observed in the fiducial region for the KL0→μe decay and one event, which could not be distinguished from the background, was observed in the fiducial region for the KL0ee decay. The obtained upper limits on the branching ratios at 90% confidence level were B(KL0→μe)1011 and B(KL0ee)1010. The branching ratio of the KL0→μμ decay was obtained to be [7.9±0.6 (stat ±0.2 (syst)]×109 based on 179 events in the fiducial region. Using 18 events with the effective mass Me+ e>470 MeV /c2 in the e+ e sample for the KL0ee decay search, the branching ratio of the KL0e+ e e+ e decay was estimated to be [6±2 (stat) ±1 (syst)]×108 for Me+ e>470 MeV/c2 and [7±3 (stat)±2(syst)]×108 for Me+ e>480 MeV/c2.