Colour Doppler ultrasonography studies of benign and malignant breast lesions

Colour Doppler scanning was carried out on 53 patients with solid, discrete breast masses. Twenty-five of 32 breast cancers and none of 21 benign lesions gave a positive scan, giving a sensitivity of 78 per cent for association with malignancy, a specificity of 100 per cent and a positive predictive value of 100 per cent. Tumours less than 1 cm in diameter and invasive lobular cancers were least likely to give a positive scan. Axillary node scans were performed in 31 of 32 patients with breast cancer with 29 undergoing an axillary staging procedure. Nine patients had a positive axillary scan and all nine had involved axillry nodes. Three patients had involved axillary nodes, but a negative axillary scan. The sensitivity of colour Doppler scanning for axillary node involvement was 75 per cent, with a specificity of 100 per cent and a positive predictive value of 100 per cent.