Using High-Frequency Data in Dynamic Portfolio Choice

This article evaluates the economic benefit of methods that have been suggested to optimally sample (in an MSE sense) high-frequency return data for the purpose of realized variance/covariance estimation in the presence of market microstructure noise (Bandi and Russell, 2005a Bandi , F. M. , Russell , J. R. ( 2005a ). Realized covariation, realized beta, and microstructure noise . Working paper . [Google Scholar] , 2008 Bandi , F. M. , Russell , J. R. ( 2008 ). Microstructure noise, realized variance, and optimal sampling . Review of Economic Studies , forthcoming . [Google Scholar] ). We compare certainty equivalents derived from volatility-timing trading strategies relying on optimally-sampled realized variances and covariances, on realized variances and covariances obtained by sampling every 5 minutes, and on realized variances and covariances obtained by sampling every 15 minutes. In our sample, we show that a risk-averse investor who is given the option of choosing variance/covariance forecasts derived from MSE-based optimal sampling methods versus forecasts obtained from 5- and 15-minute intervals (as generally proposed in the literature) would be willing to pay up to about 80 basis points per year to achieve the level of utility that is guaranteed by optimal sampling. We find that the gains yielded by optimal sampling are economically large, statistically significant, and robust to realistic transaction costs.