A detailed study was undertaken of electron tunneling into amorphous Ge. At low temperature, T100 K, the high-field conductivity of the aGe film is similar to the tunneling conductance. For aGe thicknesses t500 Å the conductance of aGe blends smoothly with the tunneling conductance. This makes separation of tunneling conductance from the bulk aGe conductance difficult at low temperatures for junctions with thick aGe layers. The relation σ=σ0exp[(T1T)14] holds well for these junctions at zero bias for temperatures not showing bulk aGe effects. In junctions with sufficiently thin aGe layers, t100 Å, the bulk aGe does not seriously modify the conductance away from zero bias. A series of junctions formed on the same oxide with t80 Å of aGe show an exponential drop in conductance with increasing t leveling off at temperature-dependent values. This is interpreted as incomplete surface coverage. This interpretation is independent of the details of the tunneling mechanism into aGe, but does place an upper limit on the possible tunneling range, varying from 28 Å at 300 K to 50 Å at 4.2 K. Tunneling thus only probes the surface layers of aGe and does not reflect the bulk properties. Capacitance studies of the junctions indicate the presence of a high density of interface states, Ns2.5×1014 eV1 cm2. Superconductive tunneling confirms that tunneling is the dominant conduction mode for these junctions.