High-pressure neutron-diffraction study of the metallization process in PrNiO3

The modifications of the crystallographic and magnetic structures of PrNiO3 associated with the decrease of the metal-insulator transition temperature, TMI, with external pressure (Pext5 kbar) have been investigated by means of neutron powder diffraction. Our results indicate that the symmetry of the unit cell (orthorhombic Pbnm at ambient pressure), is preserved in the pressure range studied. The changes observed in the Ni-O distance and the Ni-O-Ni superexchange angle are, however, similar in sign but very different in magnitude from those obtained by applying an equivalent "internal" pressure. The antiferromagnetic ordering observed at ambient pressure for T<TMI remains unchanged for Pext<5 kbar. This finding is in strong contrast with the results of high-pressure electrical resistance measurements, where a reentrant metallic behavior was observed for P>4 kbar and T<65 K.