Finite-size scaling analysis of theS=1Ising model on the triangular lattice

We study the S=1 Ising model, equivalent to the three-state lattice-gas model, with nearest-neighbor, pairwise interactions on a two-dimensional, triangular lattice. We pay particular attention to the antiferromagnetic phase diagrams. We show its relation to other well-studied models (S=(1/2 Ising, Blume-Capel, Blume-Emery-Griffiths), classify the ground states, and calculate finite-temperature phase diagrams using transfer matrices and finite-size scaling for infinite strips of three and six sites width. The phase diagrams are quite complicated, with surfaces of first- and second-order transitions that intersect along lines of multicritical points of various kinds, providing a rich laboratory for studying a number of first-order phase transitions, critical and multicritical phenomena within the framework of one single model.