Sperm chromosome complements in a 47,XYY man

Human sperm chromosomes from a 47,XYY male were examined using the direct method of sperm chromosome analysis with two modifications in the semen processing. A total of 75 sperm complements was karyotyped and all of these contained one sex chromosome. The percentages of X-and Y-bearing sperm were 53% and 47%, respectively. There were 10 sperm with autosomal chromosomal abnormalities. The frequencies of numerical (4.0%), structural (10.6%), and total (13.3%) abnormalities were not significantly different from the frequencies observed in normal donors in our laboratory. Our results do not support the suggestion that XYY males have an increased risk of aneuploid progeny as a result of secondary non-disjunction or interchromosomal effects. They do support the hypothesis that one Y chromosome is eliminated in the germ cells of XYY males. However since our study provides the first information on sperm chromosomes in an XYY male, further studies on other XYY men are required.