Vibrational energy relaxation of HOD in liquid D2O

Molecular Dynamics simulation is used to study the vibrational relaxation of the first excited state of the O–H stretch for HOD dissolved in D2O. The technique applied is based on a Landau–Teller type formula, in which the solvent contribution is computed classically, while the quantum nature of the solute enters through the transition moments of the molecular normal modes. The experimental result for the relaxation time (≊8 ps) is accounted for, and the pathway to the ground state is determined. The relaxation proceeds through a sequence of intramolecular transitions initially facilitated by the solute internal anharmonicities. In particular, the anharmonicity allows an initial and rate-determining transfer to the first overtone of the HOD bend; a corresponding harmonic force field calculation in which this step is precluded yields a relaxation time that is three orders of magnitude larger. The excess energy is removed by the bath modes, which include rotations and translations of all molecules, including the solute. Relaxation by Coriolis coupling plays a minor but non-negligible role, while the centrifugal coupling contribution to the relaxation is negligible.