Piezocapacitance measurements on high-purity Si, P-doped Si (ND6.8×1016cm3 to 1.9×1018cm3), and Sbdoped Si (ND6.3×1016cm3) samples, with an uniaxial tensile stress applied along [110] and [100] axes and electric field along the [001] axis, were made from T=4.2 to 1.1 K with a low-frequency three-terminal capacitance bridge. A value of εh=11.40±0.06 is obtained for the static dielectric of pure Si as T0.εh,zz varies linearly with a [110] axis stress σs for σs up to 610 kg/cm2 and yields (1εh,zz)Δεh,zzΔσs=(3.37±0.07)×107 kg1 cm2. The temperature variation obtained was (1εh)dεhdt=(1.12±0.05)×104 K1. The stress-dependent εzz(ND,x100) values always showed a minimum for a reduced valley strain x100min in the range 0.4 to 0.6 for Si:P and x100min0.9 for Si:Sb. For a [110] stress there was no evidence of a minimum for x110 up to 0.5. Values of αD(ND,x) were obtained from the Clausius-Mossotti relationship. The stress-dependent behavior of ε(ND,x) and αD(x) is very similar. The initial slopes are donor dependent and such that [1αD(0)]dαDdx1102[1αD(0)]dαDdx100 in agreement with theory. For Si:P [1αD(0)]dαDdx100=0.13±0.01 while for Si:Sb [1αD(0)]dαDdx100=0.07. For Si:P the position of the minimum x100min seems to decrease slightly with increasing donor density ND. The valley repopulation model, including valley-dependent changes in the Bohr radius with strain, cannot explain the αD(x) results quantitatively. However, the data can be explained quantitatively if a strain-dependent variation of the valley-valley coupling matrix is also included. Reliable values of αD(ND,ω,T=0,x=0) were obtained by extrapolating the finite-T data to T=0. The dilute-limit values of αD(T=0) approximating the isolated donor polarizabilities are (1.2±0.2)×105 Å3 and (1.9±0.6)×105 Å for P and Sb, respectively. αD(ND,T=0) shows an enhancement with increasing ND, but the enhancement is less than inferred from previous work. The related stress-dependent ac conductivity data have not been analyzed quantitatively, but agree qualitatively with the dielectric constant polarizability data.