Storage of Human Platelets by Freezing1

Prolonged, probably indefinite storage of viable and functional human platelets is now possible by freezing with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). These platelets had a nearly normal survival upon reinfusion and were capable of sustained hemostatic effectiveness in thrombocytopenic patients. Adaptation of the freezing technique for large-scale usage has been achieved. The method is mainly based on the following principles: use of plasma for suspension of the platelet concentrate; gradual addition (0.5% every 2 min) of DMSO to a final concentration of 5% and its gradual removal; a slow cooling rate of about C/min and rapid thawing (in 1 min); use of a polyolefin plastic bag for freezing; a washing medium of 20% plasma in Hanks'' balanced salt solution and final resuspension of the platelets in 50% plasma in Hanks'' solution.